The below list will give you the information about the LO data sources and it's setup table names.
Application | Data Source | Setup Table | Description | |
2 | Purchasing | 2LIS_02_ACC | MC02M_0ACCSETUP | Folder: BW Setup for MC02M_0ACC |
Purchasing | 2LIS_02_CGR | MC02M_0CGRSETUP | BW-Rebuild for MC02M_0CGR Storage | |
Purchasing | 2LIS_02_HDR | MC02M_0HDRSETUP | Storage BW Setup for MC02M_OHDR | |
Purchasing | 2LIS_02_ITM | MC02M_0ITMSETUP | Storage BW Setup for MC02M_OITM | |
Purchasing | 2LIS_02_SCL | MC02M_0SCLSETUP | Storage BW Setup for MC02M_OSCL | |
Purchasing | 2LIS_02_SCN | MC02M_0SCNSETUP | BW-Rebuild for MC02M_0SCN Storage | |
Purchasing | 2LIS_02_SGR | MC02M_0SGRSETUP | BW-Rebuild for MC02M_0SGR Storage | |
3 | Inventory Controlling | 2LIS_03_BF | MC03BF0SETUP | Save BW Reorganization for MC03BF0 |
Inventory Controlling | 2LIS_03_BX | MC03BX0SETUP | BW Stock Initialization Storage for MC03BF | |
Inventory Controlling | 2LIS_03_UM | MC03UM0SETUP | Save BW Reorganization for MC03UM0 | |
4 | Production / Shop Floor Control | 2LIS_04_P_ARBPL | MC04P_0ARBSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0ARB |
Production / Shop Floor Control | 2LIS_04_P_COMP | MC04P_0COMSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0COM | |
Production / Shop Floor Control | 2LIS_04_P_MATNR | MC04P_0MATSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0MAT | |
Production / Shop Floor Control | 2LIS_04_PEARBPL | MC04PE0ARBSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0ARB | |
Production / Shop Floor Control | 2LIS_04_PECOMP | MC04PE0COMSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0COM | |
Production / Shop Floor Control | 2LIS_04_PEMATNR | MC04PE0MATSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0MAT | |
5 | Quality Management | 2LIS_05_Q0ACTY | MC05Q00ACTSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00TSK (Notif. Activity) |
Quality Management | 2LIS_05_Q0CAUSE | MC05Q00CSESETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00CSE (Notification Cause) | |
Quality Management | 2LIS_05_Q0ITEM | MC05Q00ITMSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00ITM (Notification Item) | |
Quality Management | 2LIS_05_Q0NOTIF | MC05Q00NTFSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00NTF (Notification) | |
Quality Management | 2LIS_05_Q0TASK | MC05Q00TSKSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00TSK (Notification Task) | |
Quality Management | 2LIS_05_QE1 | MC05Q1_INSPSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC05Q1_0INSP (Check Results) | |
Quality Management | 2LIS_05_QE2 | MC05Q2_INSPSETUP | BW Reorganization for MC05Q2_0INSP (Inspection Results) | |
Quality Management | 2LIS_05_QVUDN | MC05QV0UDNSETUP | Store BW Reconstruction for MC05QV0UDN (Usage Decision) | |
6 | Invoice Verification | 2LIS_06_INV | MC06M_0ITMSETUP | Folder: BW Setup for MC06M_0ITM |
8 | Transport/ Shipment/Shpmt Costs | 2LIS_08TRFKP | MC08TR0FKPSETUP | Storage BW Reorganization for MC08TR0FKP |
Transport/ Shipment/Shpmt Costs | 2LIS_08TRFKZ | MC08TR0FKZSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0FKZ | |
Transport/ Shipment/Shpmt Costs | 2LIS_08TRTK | MC08TR0TKSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TK | |
Transport/ Shipment/Shpmt Costs | 2LIS_08TRTLP | MC08TR0TLPSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TLP | |
Transport/ Shipment/Shpmt Costs | 2LIS_08TRTS | MC08TR0TSSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TS | |
11 | SD Sales Orders | 2LIS_11_V_ITM | MC11V_0ITMSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0ITM |
SD Sales Orders | 2LIS_11_V_SCL | MC11V_0SCLSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0SCL | |
SD Sales Orders | 2LIS_11_V_SSL | MC11V_0SSLSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0SCL | |
SD Sales Orders | 2LIS_11_VAHDR | MC11VA0HDRSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0HDR | |
SD Sales Orders | 2LIS_11_VAITM | MC11VA0ITMSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0ITM | |
SD Sales Orders | 2LIS_11_VAKON | MC11VA0KONSETUP | Storage BW Reconstruction for MC11VA0KON | |
SD Sales Orders | 2LIS_11_VASCL | MC11VA0SCLSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0SCL | |
SD Sales Orders | 2LIS_11_VASTH | MC11VA0STHSETUP | BW New Structure Store for MC11VA0STH | |
SD Sales Orders | 2LIS_11_VASTI | MC11VA0STISETUP | BW New Structure Store for MC11VA0ST | |
12 | LE Deliveries / Shipping | 2LIS_12_VCHDR | MC12VC0HDRSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0HDR |
LE Deliveries / Shipping | 2LIS_12_VCITM | MC12VC0ITMSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0ITM | |
LE Deliveries / Shipping | 2LIS_12_VCSCL | MC12VC0SCLSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0SCL | |
13 | SD Billing Documents | 2LIS_13_VDHDR | MC13VD0HDRSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC13VD0HDR |
SD Billing Documents | 2LIS_13_VDITM | MC13VD0ITMSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC13VD0ITM | |
SD Billing Documents | 2LIS_13_VDKON | MC13VD0KONSETUP | Storage BW Reconstruction for MC13VD0KON | |
17 | Plant Maintenance | 2LIS_17_I0ACTY | MC17I00ACTSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC17I00ACT (Notif. Activity) |
Plant Maintenance | 2LIS_17_I0CAUSE | MC17I00CSESETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC17I00CSE(Notification Cause) | |
Plant Maintenance | 2LIS_17_I0ITEM | MC17I00ITMSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC17I00ITM (Notification Item) | |
Plant Maintenance | 2LIS_17_I0NOTIF | MC17I00NTFSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC17I00NTF (Notification) | |
Plant Maintenance | 2LIS_17_I0TASK | MC17I00TSKSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC17I00TSK (Notification Task) | |
Plant Maintenance | 2LIS_17_I3HDR | MC17I30HDRSETUP | Store BW reconstruction for MC17I30HDR (Order) | |
Plant Maintenance | 2LIS_17_I3OPER | MC17I30OPRSETUP | Store BW Reconstruction for MC17I30OPR (Process) | |
18 | Customer Service | 2LIS_18_I0ACTY | MC18I00ACTSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC18I00TSK (Notif. Activity) |
Customer Service | 2LIS_18_I0CAUSE | MC18I00CSESETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC18I00CSE(Notification Cause) | |
Customer Service | 2LIS_18_I0ITEM | MC18I00ITMSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC18I00ITM (Notification Item) | |
Customer Service | 2LIS_18_I0NOTIF | MC18I00NTFSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC18I00NTF (Notification) | |
Customer Service | 2LIS_18_I0TASK | MC18I00TSKSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC18I00TSK (Notification Task) | |
Customer Service | 2LIS_18_I3HDR | MC18I30HDRSETUP | Store BW Reconstruction for MC18I30HDR (Order) | |
Customer Service | 2LIS_18_I3OPER | MC18I30OPRSETUP | Store BW Reconstruction for MC18I30OPR (Process) | |
40 | Retail / Retailing | 2LIS_40_REVAL | MC40RP0REVSETUP | BW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0ARB |
45 | Agency Business | 2LIS_45_CDLST | MC45CD0LSTSETUP | Folder: BW Setup for MC45CDLST |
Agency Business | 2LIS_45_PDLST | MC45PD0LSTSETUP | Folder: BW Setup for MC45PD0LST (Posting List) | |
Agency Business | 2LIS_45_VDLST | MC45VD0LSTSETUP | Folder: BW Setup for MC45VD0LST (Settlement Vendor) | |
Agency Business | 2LIS_45_HDR | MC45W_0HDRSETUP | Folder: BW setup for MC45W_0HDR | |
Agency Business | 2LIS_45_ITM | MC45W_0ITMSETUP | Folder: BW Setup for MC45W_0ITM | |
Agency Business | 2LIS_45_LST | MC45W_0LSTSETUP | Folder: BW Setup for MC45W_0LST |
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