December 12, 2011

Introduction about transports in SAP BW

How to create transport request:
We can create transport request using T-Code SE01 or SE10. I am giving SE01 screen shots.
Open SE01 à click on “transports” tab.

Now you will get the below screen.

i)        By default you will get your “username” in User field. If you want to create transport request for another user, then specify the name.
ii)      We will have 4 different types of transport requests in BI system. We will discuss this in next step.
Once you give the username, just click on create (marked in red on top in the above screen.)

Note: if you want see the transport request created by any person, give the username, select type of transport request and status of request. We have two statuses for transport request i) Modifiable and ii) Released.
Then click on display, you will get the list.

Once you click on create, you will get the below screen.

The system will ask you to select which type of transport you want to create.
Mainly we have two types of transport requests, they are
i)        Customizing Request.
ii)      Workbench Request.
Customizing Request: Changes to Customizing settings are recorded in Customizing requests. Customizing request records client dependent objects like table entries, SPRO configurations. Client dependent objects are only available to particular client.
When you create Customizing requests, the transport target is automatically assigned the standard transport layer by the SAP system.

Workbench Request: Workbench requests record changes made to ABAP Workbench objects. Workbench request records client independent objects like reports, Functions, tables. Client independent objects are available across the system irrespective of client.
We have local and transportable Workbench requests. (Local Workbench requests have the target system as <space>).
The package of the object and the transport route settings in the Transport Management System determine whether changes are recorded in a local or a transportable Workbench request.

Now we will discuss about the other 4 options in the above screen.
Transport of Copies: If you want to create the new transport with the same objects in some other transport, then you have to select this option.

Relocation of Objects without (W/O) Package Change: Using this you can move the original location of the objects entered in the object list to the target system. The objects still exist after these transports, and you can change them (in repairs). If objects were transportable before the transport, they remain so, because the objects are still assigned to the same packages and transport layers.
      1)      We can use this if we want to create object into another SAP system for temporary basis
      2)      It is having same functions as transport of copies
      3)      It allows you to move original location of object.

Relocation of Objects with Package Change: using this you can change the original location of the objects entered and reassign the objects to an appropriate new package.
The package change means that you can automatically adjust the transport attributes of the objects to the new development system. This means that you edit the objects immediately after they have been imported into the target system.
      1)      Select this type if you want to change the development system for an object permanently.
      2)      Allows you to change the original location of an object.

Relocation of Complete Package: Using this you can simultaneously move the original location of all objects in a package to the target system and simultaneously assign the package to another transport layer.
      1)      Select this when development system of a complete package is to be changed.
      2)      It allows you to change the transport layer of the package

Once you select the type of transport request you want to create, click on continue to move further.
Now you will get the below screen.

      1)      Give the short description for the transport request. Transport number is system generated.
      2)      Give the project code for this transport or you can use F4 selection for search.
      3)      Specify the target name for the transport request.
      4)      In Tasks tab, by default system will assign your user name and will create one child transport (task) under your main transport. If you want to create child transport for any other user, then give the username under tasks.
      5)      Once you enter the required information click on Save, system will generate the transport request.

You can see in the below screen.

Once you create the transport request, the status of the request will be modifiable.
As we discussed earlier, we have 2 transports in the above screen. One is main transport and other one is child request.

We can see the properties and the objects included in particular requests using Tcode SE01.
Goto SE01 à click on “Display” tab à give the transport number and click on display.
See the below screen.
In the next screen select the transport and click on display to see all the details about the transport request.

Now we will get the below screen, which consist of 3 tabs, they are
I)        Properties
II)      Objects
III)    Documentation
As shown in the below screen.
Properties: This tab contains the general information about the transport request like project code, target system, status and last changed date.
Objects: This tab will contains all the objects which are included in this transport request.
Documentation: This tab will contain the documentation about the transport if we maintain.

How to release transport request:

Once we check the transport request in SE01 and confirms transport is Ok, we can release the same to move further.
In menu bar, click on request/task à Click on “Release”.

Once you release the transport request, you can find the same in transport queue (STMS) in the next system based on transport connection maintained in your system.


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  2. Thanks for posting this. It was indeed helpful.

    I have a doubt. When we do some changes in config. and system pops to create a transport, then also we need to follow the same procedure?
