April 19, 2012

What all we can do at Quick Launch screen in SAP HANA - Part1

Hello Everyone,

In this document, I would like to take you through the different options available at Quick launch screen in SAP HANA.


We have 7 major sections in Quick Launch screen as show in above screen.

1)     Select System.

2)     New (where we can create all Models).

3)     Package

4)     Content

5)     Setup

6)     Data

7)     Help

Now I will explain about each one.

1)     Select System: If we have multiple HANA servers in the same system then here we can assign the required system to the user. One user can connect to one system at a time.


i)     Click on ‘Select System’. You will get the list of all available systems.


ii)     Select the required system and click on ‘OK’.

iii)     Now we can see the mapped system to the user in below screen.


2)     New: In this section we can create all the modeling objects in SAP HANA.

The hierarchy for modeling objects is first creating Package in the system. Package holds the modeling objects in SAP HANA, then create the objects you require.

Different Modeling Objects we can create are

i) Attribute View: Which hold the information using which we can analyze the facts/Key values(Mater Data). We can call this as Dimension in SAP BI.

ii) Analytic View: This holds the information about the key figures and required information to analyze these key figures. Generally Analytic View will be linked to the Attribute view if data flow is bigger. We can call this as Fact table in SAP BI.

Note: Restriction here is we can select key figures only from one table.

iii) Calculation View: If you have a requirement where we need key figures from more than one table or any complex requirements then we can go for Calculation Views. We can call this as Multi Providers/ Joins in SAP BI

iv) Analytic Privilege: This is like Analysis Authorization in SAP BI where we can restrict the users to see the data based on their privileges.

v) Procedures: Simple SQL statements using which we can process data into SAP HANA.

3)     Package: Here also we can create the Package in SAP HANA.

4)     Content: In this section we have lot of useful functions

i)     Validate: Using this we can validate the multiple Objects (Packages/Attribute/Analytic/Calculation Views/ Analytic Privileges) and this is mass validation. In validation process system checks and saves the metadata but it doesn't activate the models.


a) Click on ‘Validate’ and you will get the below screen.


b) Select the objects you want to validate and move it to the right side.

c) Now click on ‘Validate’.

Note: As I said earlier system doesn't activate the models.

ii)     Activate: Here system validate the objects and activate them.

Navigation is same

iii)     Mass Copy: This is used to copy all the models from one package to other package.


a) Click on ‘Mass Copy’, you will get below screen.


b) Select the Models/ Packages you want to copy.

c) Click on ‘Next’ and ‘Finish’.

iv)     Import: This function is useful to import the models/tables/Landscapes from your local system into SAP HANA.


a) Click on Import, where you get below screen.


b) Select the option what you want to Import. In this I am going to show how to import the Models into SAP HANA system.

c) Here Select ‘Developer Mode’ and Click on ‘Next’ to select the models to Import.


d) In this screen first we need to select the location of the folder in our local system where models exist.

e) Then select the models, move it to the right side and click on Finish to import them into SAP HANA system.

Note: We can import HANA Landscapes into HANA system. However we have to authorize the imported Landscape by providing Username and password before we use that.

v)     Export: This is just vice-versa for Import functionality.

vi)      Migrate: This is useful to migrate the models to the newly migrated SAP HANA version.


a) Click on ‘Migration’ in Quick Launch screen to get the below screen.


b) Select the objects --> Move them to Right Side Pane and Click on Migrate.

c) Option ‘Activate selected objects after migration’ activates the objects after migrating them to newer version.

vii)     Auto Documentation:  We can create the documentation for the existing models using this functionality.


a) Click on ‘Auto Documentation’ to get below screen.


b) Now select the models we want to create documentation.

c) Move it to the right side pane Select the Destination Folder Location Click on ‘Finish’.

d) Now we can see the folder with ‘DCG(SAP HANA System Name)’ in the given location’ click on it where we will have PDF document for the selected model.

e) The sample document will be like below.


f) This document contains information about The Package, Objects and owner of the Model.

viii)     Switch Ownership: This is useful to assign the inactive objects created by one user to other user. It is used to distribute the responsibility to multiple users.

Pre-Requisite: We should have ‘Work in Foreign Workspace’ authorization to perform this task.


a) Click on ‘Switch Ownership’ in Quick Launch screen.

b) Select the ‘Source User’ who has inactive objects.

c) Add the required objects to the right side pane Click on ‘OK’.

In Part2, I will explain about CONTENT, DATA and HELP Sections

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